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Czech republic /Czechia/, capital city Prague
Page for our Indian friends! 🙂 

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. One of the most picturesque cities in Europe with lots of sights and culture. The beautiful Vltava River flows through it. Such is our Ganga :-). We have lived here alone for 10 years, solo with my son Martin and his girlfriend.

Renata Sahani
My Czech familly / Zlin, Czech republic, Europe

My Czech family. Adult son Martin with his girlfriend and cat :-). My mother /80 years old/. My brother and his girlfriend live in Zlín. A sister and her Italian husband live in Sam Remo /Italy/ and their adult daughter.

Sunil Sahani
My Indian family, Váranasí

My Indian family. Sunil's father, brother and wife, and son and daughter. Sisters with families.

Zlín, Chzech republic /300km from Prague, 3,5h by train

Zlín is my home, my mom and brother live here. It is famous for the Baťa shoe factory. Sunil and I lived here for 2 years during the Covid era. I had my own physiotherapy studio here. Now it's pulling us back to Prague.

Our holiday photo from beatiful Czech republic

India life 2010 - 2023

Dillí, Bobmaj, Khadžuráho, Orcha, indická vesnice, Mathura, Haridwar, Rišikéš, Bodhgaya, Sárnat, džungle, Kumbhamela Allahabad

Delhi, Bobmaj, Khajuraho, Orcha, Indian village, Mathura, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Bodhgaya, Sarnat, Jungle, Kumbhamela Allahabad